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The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller index of property values posted growth of 3.6 percent in January, down from 4.1 percent in December.

(Bloomberg)—Home prices in 20 U.S. cities registered their

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While many investors shy away from rent-controlled buildings, they can offer good returns and steady revenue streams.

Communities around the country continue to push toward instituting rent control laws,

creating an environment of political uncertainty that

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More than half of Neiman Marcus’ term lenders and unsecured noteholders have agreed to a deal to extend its debt maturities.

(Bloomberg)—A majority of Neiman Marcus Group Inc.’s lenders and

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The private equity firm wants to undertake a recapitalization that will leave the retailer with $1 billion in additional debt.

(Bloomberg)—Sycamore Partners is looking to take most of its cash

The Senate Banking Committee will hold two days of hearing on ending Fannie and Freddie conservatorship.

(Bloomberg)—A Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac fix is on Washington’s agenda —- again.


tenmustreads-miamihotels.jpgphotosvit/iStock/Getty Images
FHA tightening its standards on first-time home buyers, reports the Wall Street Journal. Forbes looks at how digital technology is affecting the commercial real estate industry. These are among today’s must reads from around the commercial real

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Average cap rates on student housing transactions are now near those paid for apartment buildings.

Investors continue to be willing to pay up for student housing assets. “Capitalization rates have continued to

CoreCivic Inc., an operator of private prisons and immigration detention facilities, wants to diversify its portfolio.

The core business of CoreCivic Inc. remains private

CoreCivic Inc., an operator of private prisons and immigration detention facilities, wants to diversify its portfolio.

The core business of CoreCivic Inc. remains private prisons. But the REIT is venturing further

All Signs Point to a U.S. Housing Boom Ahead: Conor SenJustin Sullivan/Getty Images News/Getty Images
The decline in interest rates over the past three month could stimulate the U.S. housing market.

(Bloomberg Opinion)—Investors have been so
