ten must reads CadillacDrew Angerer/Getty Images
Cadillac’s headquarters is going back to Detroit after moving to New York City several years ago, according to the Wall Street Journal. Apartment rents rose in the third quarter, CNBC reports.

Planet FitnessAndrew H. Walker/Getty Images
The still expanding fitness center segment has been among the few bright spots for retail landlords.

The fitness club sector is flexing its muscles.

Fitness and health clubs have grown to be a more than

Federal Reserve Jerome PowellPhoto: Mark Wilson/Getty Images
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell
The Federal Reserve raised its benchmark funds rate to a range of 2.0 percent to 2.25 percent.


roller coasterFrenchToast/iStock/Getty Images
Capital markets have priced in a 25-basis point increase ahead of Fed meeting.

This week’s scheduled meeting of the Federal Reserve Board on Sept. 25th and 26th is once again shining a spotlight on

data centercybrain/iStock/Getty Images
In Loudoun County, Va., prices of $1 million per acre for data center land have become a

mortgage bondScott Rothstein/Shutterstock
With rising rates making it harder for homeowners to refinance, buyers of “scratch and dent” mortgage securities can end up holding them for longer than they wanted.

(Bloomberg)—One of the most

Federal Reserve Building
The Fed might end its “accommodative” fiscal policy era, Reuters reports. Elizabeth Warren has introduced a bill to direct $500 billion to solve the affordable housing crisis, according to MarketWatch. These are

RentCafe recently broke down which neighborhoods had the greatest percentage of Millennials as residents.

Trying to reach millennial consumers? Focus on trendy neighborhoods in urban markets. According to

The editors of National Real Estate Investor are seeking content from CRE industry leaders and experts for inclusion in their 2018 Yearend Trends and Outlook.
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• Forward-looking market

ten must reads observation decksAndreaAstes/iStock/Getty Images
Observation decks atop New York City’s tallest buildings are big business, and two more are slated to open, the Wall Street Journal reports. Economists, fund managers and strategists believe the
